Understanding the Legality and Politics of Uniform Civil Code | MR Shamshad
The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) has been a contentious issue in India for many years. In recent months, the debate has intensified after the Law Commission invited arguments in favor of or against the UCC, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi endorsed the idea.
The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) has been a contentious issue in India for many years. In recent months, the debate has intensified after the Law Commission invited arguments in favor of or against the UCC, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi endorsed the idea.
In this Nous Opinion video, we speak with MR Shamshad, a lawyer who specializes in issues related to the Muslim community and is representing the All India Muslim Personal Law Board on the petition against the UCC. Mr. Shamshad will shed light on the various issues surrounding the UCC, including:
- The politics of the UCC
- The nature of personal laws
- The nature of the Indian constitution and its relationship with the diversity of the Indian population.
- The philosophy of Legal Pluralism
- Critical Examination of Various arguments put forward by the proponents of UCC in it's favour.