Qur'an: The Eternal Wonder (Episode 01)
In this episode, Dr. Jamil directs his attention towards the Qur'an as the ultimate source of knowledge and law for humanity.
In this episode, Dr. Jamil directs his attention towards the Qur'an as the ultimate source of knowledge and law for humanity. He delves into the methods, approaches, and diverse sources of interpretation that enable a comprehensive understanding of the Qur'an and Islam. By exploring these facets, the series aims to empower viewers with the tools to engage with the discourse of the Qur'an and Islam in a meaningful and informed manner.
Series: A Systematic Study of the Holy Qur'an
There comes the (Final) Testament, absolutely impeccable in itself, a Guide for the Devout (of God)
Majestic and Majestic Author, God/Allah
Qur’ān is not an ordinary work of an ordinary mortal but a Singular, Supreme and Majestic Work of a Singular, Supreme and Majestic Author, God/Allah the Creator and the Lord of the Multi-World. Qur’ān itself categorically declares that it is for all times to come, for all parts of the world and for all future human generations.
In the coming series, we will see what the Wondrous Verses of the Quran mean for the present and future world.
Unique and unparalleled
Qur’ān is a comprehensive work with a unique and unparalleled prescription for a holistic system. It includes the articles of faith, law, history and morality with the twin aims of success in this life and the Hereafter. When it comes to law, it points towards the Laws of Nature that govern the universe and its various constituents, both physical as well as biological; and lays down the principles of the holistic Constitution for mankind. Qur’ān points to the functioning of the universe, every component of which, even if unconsciously due to its inherent nature, instead of free will, precisely follows the Laws of Nature, created and enforced by God.
Humans consciously commit to God
Then we will see Quranic thoughts about how humans are different from the rest of the universe. It tells humans, endowed with free will, to consciously commit themselves to Him, individually and collectively, for ensuring peace and harmony in the world.
Alif, Lam, Ra. This is the Testament We have dispatched to you with the purpose that you may take—with the signal from their Lord—the humanity out of all forms of darkness towards enlightenment, the Path of the Almighty, the Acknowledged Lord (of the Multi-world). (14: !)
The Qur'an has another unique quality; it beautifully captures the changing mood, the reactions and the repercussions, which marked the evolving stages of Islamic Revolution in the lifetime of the Final Ambassador (SAW).
Final Testament from God
Qur’an being the Final Testament from God, man, the Final Product of the Creation, has no other option but to wholly commit to it if he wants to acknowledge his Lord and ensure a better life for himself, individually and collectively, in the world and the Hereafter.
The video series is a humble endeavour to understand the wondrous messages, and the system, propounded by Qur’ān.
To be applied to every system governing human life
It classifies the verses in an entirely unique way, which will give an idea to the reader about the comprehensiveness of the Testament of God. It will help in convincing him that this is the Final Testament from God not to be merely understood, comprehended and researched, but also to be followed in letter and spirit in every walk of life, and to be applied to every system governing the human life, as individuals, families, society, nations and world as a whole.
Let us understand a little about the current world.
World today full of chaos, Quran System of Holistic Peace for humanity
The world today, despite its apparently advanced and sophisticated ways of living, is overpowered with chaos at every level. The current international system, which many proudly call New World Order, appears to be highly advanced in method but is a colossal failure in the results. At the individual level, notwithstanding huge advancement of the healthcare system, physical, mental and spiritual illnesses are ever on the rise. At the family level, the disintegration of family is fast becoming the norm rather than an exception. At the social level, the ever rising crime rate, social and economic exploitation, commercialisation of all forms of dangerous substances and practices including sexual deviations, addictions and crimes, and various kinds of extremist movements working in the interests of certain forces have almost completely destroyed the peace of life. It is in the background of this asphyxiating disruption of harmony that Qur’ān needs to be understood and applied in all spheres of life.
The followers of Qur’ān have to unite to strive for the ultimate purpose of the unity of the whole mankind, founded on the principles of universal peace and brotherhood through total commitment to God.
Sources needed for Explanation
To understand the meaning, applications and implications of Qur’ānic verses, we need at least four sources:
- Prophetic Explanations and History: Being the original recipient of the Word of God, the sayings of the Ambassador (Ahādīth) Muhammad (SAW), are of course the most important source of the understanding of Qur’ān.
- References to previous scriptures: There are many places where the Biblical (Old and New Testament) sources can help in understanding the stories of various Prophets and Ambassadors (AS).
- Scientific resources: As Qur’ān recurrently presents the components of the universe as His wonders, a study of material (Physics, Chemistry, Geology, etc), biological and health sciences makes it highly absorbing and convincing. We have to understand that sciences are primarily the studies of the Laws of Nature and the properties of the matter created by God.
So it is our duty to explore the details of the components of Nature described in Qur’ān. These include laws governing the universe as a whole, the components of the universe surrounding the Earth and the components of the Earth. This will strengthen our hearts, as we will be in a better position to understand about the wondrous creations of God. We also need to study the impact of obligatory, permissible and prohibited activities on human life to fully realize the superiority of the Islamic system (ideological, social and legal) over all the other systems. We need to develop Islamic models/paradigms in all the arena of collective human existence – economic, political, social, health, legal, infrastructural, etc.
Further, it is to be emphasised that we have to study all the sciences – Natural, Biological, Medical or Social -- in the light of Qur’ān rather than studying Qur’ān in the light of Sciences. This is because the current scientific understanding of the universe, in view of its vastness, is extremely low.
Qur’ān, on the other hand, is the creation of the Creator and Ruler of the universe. In particular, the scientific studies relating to the Islamic practices, especially related to health and law and order, are of huge importance, as they can save the world from the disastrous consequences of the unhealthy and harmful practices, which are becoming increasingly common due to their patronage by the forces of economics and politics.
4. Other Figures and scholars: Members of the Family of Prophet (RA), Companions of the Prophet (RA) and other jurists are also important, especially in theological matters.
In the coming series we will touch the following topics
Part I: Imān (Realisation with Commitment)
- The Supreme Being
- Prophets and Ambassadors of God
- The Final Testament from God
- The Hereafter
- Executive Angels
- Predestination (Qadr)
Part II: Philosophy
- Qur’ānic Philosophy: Philosophy of Relationship
- Imān (Realization) and Islam (Submission)
- Monotheism versus Polytheism
- Life of the World and Hereafter
- Qur’ān on Judaism and Christianity
- Qur’ān on Priesthood and Monasticism
- Man: Aims and Nature
Part III: Constitution
- Objectives of Islamic Constitution
- Name
- Symbol
- Fundamental Duties: (I) Imān (Realization and Commitment); (II) Salāh (Prayer); (III) Zakāh, Khums, Ushr (Obligatory Charity); (IV) Saum (Fasting); (V) Haj (Pilgrimage); (VI) Jihād (Striving hard in the way of God); (VII) To Enjoin Justice; (VIII) To enjoin good and forbid evil; (IX) To invite to Way of God; (X) To learn, research and teach; (XI) To Foster Unity and Brotherhood; (XII) To Keep Chaste and Modesty
- Fundamental Prohibitions: (I) Shirk (Polytheism); (II) Eatables; (III) Substances of Addiction and Gambling; (IV) Economic Corruption; (V) Forbidden Degrees in Marriage; (VI) Sexual Corruption; (VII) Murder; (VIII) Spreading Chaos in Society
- Fundamental Rights: (I) Right to Life; (II) Right to Freedom of Conscience; (III) Right to Equality; (IV) Right to Personal Freedom; (V) Right to Consultation; (VI) Right to Form Association; (VII) Right to Retaliation; (VIII) Rights of Weaker Sections
- Laws Related to Civil Matters: (1) Deals, contracts and property; (2) Inheritance; (3) Wills; (4) Booty; (5) Oaths; (6) Marriage and dower; (7) Rights of mothers and infants
- Guidelines Concerning Criminal Laws: (1) Murder; (2) Injuries; (3) Theft; (4) Adultery; (5) Defamation of Women; (6) War against System and Mischief on the Earth
Part IV: The System
- Social System of Islam: (Rights of Weaker Sections; Orphans; Slaves Emancipated; Rights of Women in Islam; Health Protective Social System; Social Manners)
- Political System of Islam
- Economic System of Islam
- Spiritual and Moral System
Part V: The History of Confrontation between the Right and the Wrong
Ādam AS, Idrīs AS, Nūh (Noah) AS; Hūd AS; Sālih AS; Luqmān; Ibrāhīm (Abraham) AS; Lūt (Lot) AS; Ismāīl (Ishmael) AS, Is’hāq (Isaac) AS and Yaqūb (Jacob) AS; Yūsuf (Joseph) AS; Mūsa (Moses) AS; Shu’aib AS; Dhul-Kifl (AS), Ayūb (Job) AS; Dāūd (David) AS; Sulaymān (Solomon) AS; People of Sheeba; Ilyās (Elijah) AS; Al-Yas’a (AS), Dhul-Qarnain; Zakariyah AS, Maryam (Mary) AS, Yahya (John The Baptist) AS, and Īsa Masīh (Jesus Christ) AS; Companions of the Cave; Prophet Muhammad (SAW)